
Bakers Resources

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Clabber Girl Baking Soda is commonly used for leavening in baking. While Clabber Girl Baking Powder, primarily works in the kitchen, Clabber Girl Baking soda reaches into almost every room of the house. Baking soda is a single ingredient product with no additional or synthetic additives, which makes it perfect for almost any cleaning project! Before you start your spring cleaning, take a look at how baking soda can make many jobs around the house easier.

Baking Soda Uses:

  • Scour your grill grates with a mixture of baking soda and water made into a paste
  • Deodorize your refrigerator by storing baking soda on the top shelf
  • Relieve sunburn by adding 4-5 tbsp baking soda to your bath water
  • Clean your refrigerator with a solution of one tsp baking soda to one quart of warm water
  • Remove stains from plastic containers, coffee and tea cups by wiping them with a damp sponge dipped in baking soda paste
  • Polish sterling silver items by lining a pan with aluminum foil, adding in tarnished silver top with a mixture of 1 gallon boiling water mixed with 1 cup baking soda
  • Rinse fruits and vegetables with baking soda and water to remove dirt and wax coating

Clabber Girl Baking Soda is available in a convenient re-sealable canister as well as a traditional 1 lb box.